Hersteller | Teilenummer | Datenblatt | Bauteilbeschribung |

List of Unclassifed Man...
AR2001 |
2Mb/3P |
Smart Handgeld Device SoC |
WD61C40A |
804Kb/12P |
Peripheral Cache Manager Device |
DBC98C51 |
1Mb/31P |
SMBus Device Bay Controller |
BC01B |
225Kb/15P |
Single Chip Bluetooth Device |
TM122ADCW6 |
761Kb/16P |
SX-DS-4000U2 |
591Kb/2P |
High-Performance USB Device Server 11.2011 |
EDS4100 |
252Kb/2P |
4-Port Enterprise Device Server |
LR4-260 |
15Kb/1P |
PolySwitch PTC Devices Overcurrent Protection Device |
CH7009A |
580Kb/46P |
Chrontel CH7009 DVI / TV Output Device |
AM79C031 |
501Kb/48P |
Advanced Subscriber Line Interface Circuit (ASLIC) Device |
4Mb/66P |
RCV336ACF/SP and RCV144ACF/SP Modem Device |
OMNI-UNI-18-25 |
2Mb/10P |
TO Device Heat Sink with Universal Clipping Method |
TH7861CD |
841Kb/7P |
Area Array Charge-Coupled Device(CCD) Image Sensors |
IDT77010 |
141Kb/21P |
Data Path Interface to Utopia Level 1 Translation Device |
VE880 |
177Kb/2P |
Dual Channel Automatic Battery Switching (ABS) VoicePort-TM Device |
IDT77V011 |
742Kb/43P |
Data Path Interface to Utopia Level 2 Translation Device |
TXC-02050 |
134Kb/28P |
MRT Device 6-,8-,34-Mbit Line Interface TXC-0250 |
TXC-02050C |
452Kb/36P |
MRT Device 6-,8-,34-Mbit Line Interface TXC-0250C |
DM560P |
242Kb/43P |
V.90 Integrated Data/Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set |
165Kb/4P |
Hereinafter Referred to As PIO, is a Dual-Port Device |