Datenblatt-Suchmaschine für elektronische Bauteile |
LM393 Datenblatt(PDF) 5 Page - 3PEAK INC. |
LM393 Datenblatt(HTML) 5 Page - 3PEAK INC. |
5 / 13 page 5 Rev. B.2 LM393/LM339 36V Low Power Dual/Quad Differential Comparators Response Time Test Circuit Pin Functions –IN: Inverting Input of the Comparator. Voltage range of this pin can go from V– to V+ - 1.5V. +IN: Non-Inverting Input of Comparator. This pin has the same voltage range as –IN. V+ (VDD): Positive Power Supply. Typically the voltage is from 2V to 36V. Split supplies are possible as long as the voltage between V+ and V– is between 2V and 36V. A bypass capacitor of 0.1μF as close to the part as possible should be used between power supply pins or between supply pins and ground. V– (VSS): Negative Power Supply. It is normally tied to ground. It can also be tied to a voltage other than ground as long as the voltage between V+ and V– is from 2V to 36V. If it is not connected to ground, bypass it with a capacitor of 0.1μF as close to the part as possible. OUT: Comparator Output. The voltage range extends to within millivolts of each supply rail. Operation The LM393/339 family single-supply comparators feature internal hysteresis, high speed, and low power. Input signal range extends beyond the negative and positive power supplies. The output can even extend all the way to the negative supply. The input stage is active over different ranges of common mode input voltage. Rail-to-rail input voltage range and low-voltage single-supply operation make these devices ideal for portable equipment. Applications Information Inputs The LM393/339 comparator family uses CMOS transistors at the input which prevent phase inversion when the input pins exceed the supply voltages. Figure 1 shows an input voltage exceeding both supplies with no resulting phase inversion. |
Ähnliche Teilenummer - LM393 |
Ähnliche Beschreibung - LM393 |
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