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LM393 Datenblatt(PDF) 8 Page - Texas Instruments |
LM393 Datenblatt(HTML) 8 Page - Texas Instruments |
8 / 55 page 7.8 Electrical Characteristics LM2903B VS = 5 V, VCM = (V–) ; TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VIO Input offset voltage VS = 5 to 36V –2.5 ±0.37 2.5 mV VS = 5 to 36V, TA = –40°C to +125°C –4 4 IB Input bias current –3.5 –25 nA TA = –40°C to +125°C –50 nA IOS Input offset current –10 ±0.5 10 nA TA = –40°C to +125°C –25 25 nA VCM Common mode range VS = 3 to 36V (V–) (V+) – 1.5 V VS = 3 to 36V, TA = –40°C to +125°C (V–) (V+) – 2.0 V AVD Large signal differential voltage amplification VS = 15V, VO = 1.4V to 11.4V; RL ≥ 15k to (V+) 50 200 V/mV VOL Low level output Voltage {swing from (V–)} ISINK ≤ 4mA, VID = -1V 110 400 mV ISINK ≤ 4mA, VID = -1V TA = –40°C to +125°C 550 mV IOH-LKG High-level output leakage current (V+) = VO = 5 V; VID = 1V 0.1 20 nA (V+) = VO = 36V; VID = 1V 0.3 50 nA IOL Low level output current VOL = 1.5V; VID = -1V; VS = 5V 6 21 mA IQ Quiescent current (all comparators) VS = 5 V, no load 400 600 µA VS = 36 V, no load, TA = –40°C to +125°C 550 800 µA 7.9 Switching Characteristics LM393B and LM2903B VS = 5V, VO_PULLUP = 5V, VCM = VS/2, CL = 15pF, RL = 5.1k Ohm, TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT tresponse Propagation delay time, high-to-low; TTL input signal (1) TTL input with Vref = 1.4V 300 ns tresponse Propagation delay time, high-to-low; Small scale input signal (1) Input overdrive = 5mV, Input step = 100mV 1000 ns (1) High-to-low and low-to-high refers to the transition at the input. LM393B, LM2903B, LM193, LM293, LM293A, LM393, LM393A, LM2903, LM2903V SLCS005AD – OCTOBER 1979 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 8 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM393B LM2903B LM193 LM293 LM293A LM393 LM393A LM2903 LM2903V |
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