Datenblatt-Suchmaschine für elektronische Bauteile |
LM393 Datenblatt(PDF) 10 Page - Texas Instruments |
LM393 Datenblatt(HTML) 10 Page - Texas Instruments |
10 / 55 page 7.11 Electrical Characteristics for LM293A and LM393A at specified free-air temperature, VCC = 5 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TA (1) LM293A LM393A UNIT MIN TYP MAX VIO Input offset voltage VCC = 5 V to 30 V, VO = 1.4 V VIC = VICR(min) 25°C 1 2 mV Full range 4 IIO Input offset current VO = 1.4 V 25°C 5 50 nA Full range 150 IIB Input bias current VO = 1.4 V 25°C –25 –250 nA Full range –400 VICR Common-mode input-voltage range(2) 25°C 0 to VCC – 1.5 V Full range 0 to VCC – 2 AVD Large-signal differential-voltage amplification VCC = 15 V, VO = 1.4 V to 11.4 V, RL ≥ 15 kΩ to VCC 25°C 50 200 V/mV IOH High-level output current VOH = 5 V, VID = 1 V 25°C 0.1 50 nA VOH = 30 V, VID = 1 V Full range 1 µA VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 4 mA, VID = –1 V 25°C 110 400 mV Full range 700 IOL Low-level output current VOL = 1.5 V, VID = –1 V, 25°C 6 mA ICC Supply current RL = ∞ VCC = 5 V 25°C 0.60 1 mA VCC = 30 V Full range 0.72 2.5 (1) Full range (minimum or maximum) for LM293A is –25°C to 85°C, and for LM393A is 0°C to 70°C. All characteristics are measured with zero common-mode input voltage, unless otherwise specified. (2) The voltage at either input should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 V otherwise output may be incorrect and excessive input current can flow. The upper end of the common-mode voltage range is limited by VCC – 2V. However only one input needs to be in the valid common mode range, the other input can go up the maximum VCC level and the comparator provides a proper output state. Either or both inputs can go to maximum VCC level without damage. LM393B, LM2903B, LM193, LM293, LM293A, LM393, LM393A, LM2903, LM2903V SLCS005AD – OCTOBER 1979 – REVISED OCTOBER 2020 10 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2020 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM393B LM2903B LM193 LM293 LM293A LM393 LM393A LM2903 LM2903V |
Ähnliche Teilenummer - LM393 |
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