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Datenblatt-Suchmaschine für elektronische Bauteile |
LM393YD Datenblatt(PDF) 4 Page - STMicroelectronics |
LM393YD Datenblatt(HTML) 4 Page - STMicroelectronics |
4 / 15 page ![]() Electrical characteristics LM193, LM293, LM393 4/15 3 Electrical characteristics Table 3. VCC + = +5V, V CC -= 0V, T amb = +25°C (unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter LM193A - LM293A LM393A LM193- LM293 LM393 Unit Min. Typ. Max. Min Typ. Max. Vio Input offset voltage (1) Tmin ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax 12 4 15 9 mV Iio Input offset current Tmin ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax 325 100 550 150 nA Iib Input bias current (I+ or I-) (2) Tmin ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax 25 100 300 25 250 400 nA Avd Large signal voltage gain VCC = 15V, RL = 15kΩ, Vo = 1V to 11V 50 200 50 200 V/mV ICC Supply current (all comparators) VCC = +5V, no load VCC = +30V, no load 0.4 1 1 2.5 0.4 1 1 2.5 mA Vid Differential input voltage (3) VCC + VCC + VOL Low level output voltage Vid = -1V, Isink = 4mA Tmin ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax 250 400 700 250 400 700 mV IOH High level output current VCC = Vo = 30V, Vid = 1V Tmin ≤ Tamb ≤ Tmax 0.1 1 0.1 1 nA μA Isink Output sink current Vid= 1V, Vo = 1.5V 6 16 6 16 mA tre Response time (4) RL= 5.1kΩ connected to VCC + 1.3 1.3 μs trel Large signal response time RL= 5.1kΩ connected to VCC +, e l = TTL, V(ref) = +1.4v 300 300 ns 1. At output switch point, Vo ≈ 1.4 V, Rs = 0 with VCC + from 5 V to 30 V, and over the full common-mode range (0 V to VCC + -1.5 V). 2. The direction of the input current is out of the IC due to the PNP input stage. This current is essentially constant, independent of the state of the output, so no loading charge exists on the reference of input lines. 3. The response time specified is for a 100 mV input step with 5 mV overdrive. For larger overdrive signals 300 ns can be obtained. 4. Positive excursions of input voltage may exceed the power supply level. As long as the other voltage remains within the common-mode range, the comparator will provide a proper output state. The low input voltage state must not be less than -0.3 V (or 0.3 V below the negative power supply, if used). |
Ähnliche Teilenummer - LM393YD |
Ähnliche Beschreibung - LM393YD |
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