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Datenblatt-Suchmaschine für elektronische Bauteile |
TDA7375A Datenblatt(PDF) 8 Page - STMicroelectronics |
TDA7375A Datenblatt(HTML) 8 Page - STMicroelectronics |
8 / 15 page ![]() TDA7375A 8/15 Figure 21. Total Power Dissipation and Efficiency vs. Output Power Figure 22. Total Power Dissipation and Efficiency vs. Output Power 5 GENERAL STRUCTURE 5.1 High Application Flexibility The availability of 4 independent channels makes it possible to accomplish several kinds of applications ranging from 4 speakers stereo (F/R) to 2 speakers bridge solutions. In case of working in single ended conditions the polarity of the speakers driven by the inverting amplifier must be reversed respect to those driven by non inverting channels. This is to avoid phase inconveniences causing sound alterations especially during the reproduction of low frequencies. 5.2 Easy Single Ended to Bridge Transition The change from single ended to bridge configurations is made simply by means of a short circuit across the inputs, that is no need of further external components. 5.3 Gain Internally Fixed to 20dB in Single Ended, 26dB in Bridge Advantages of this design choice are in terms of: ■ componentsand space saving ■ output noise, supply voltage rejection and distortion optimization. 5.4 Silent Turn On/Off and Muting/Stand-by Function The stand-by can be easily activated by means of a CMOS level applied to pin 7 through a RC filter. Under stand-by condition the device is turned off completely (supply current = 1 µA typ.; output attenuation = 80dB min.). Every ON/OFF operation is virtually pop free. Furthemore, at turn-on the device stays in muting condition for a time determined by the value assigned to the SVR capacitor. While in muting the device outputs becomes insensitive to any kinds of signal that may be present at the input terminals. In other words every transient coming from previous stages produces no unplesantacous- tic effect to the speakers. 5.5 OUTPUT STAGE The fully complementary output stage was made possible by the development of a new component: the |
Ähnliche Teilenummer - TDA7375A_05 |
Ähnliche Beschreibung - TDA7375A_05 |
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