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Datenblatt-Suchmaschine für elektronische Bauteile |
TDA7375A Datenblatt(PDF) 3 Page - STMicroelectronics |
TDA7375A Datenblatt(HTML) 3 Page - STMicroelectronics |
3 / 15 page ![]() 3/15 TDA7375A Table 4. Electrical Characteristcs (Refer to the test circuit, VS = 14.4V; RL = 4Ω; f = 1KHz; Tamb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) (*) See built-in S/C protection description (**) Pin 10 Pulled-up to 5V with 10K Ω; RL = 4Ω (***) Saturated square wave output. Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit VS Supply Voltage Range 8 18 V Id Total Quiescent Drain Current RL = ∞ 150 mA VOS Output Offset Voltage 150 mV PO Output Power THD = 10%; RL = 4Ω Bridge Single Ended Single Ended, RL = 2Ω 23 6.5 25 7 12 W W W PO max Max. Output Power (***) VS = 14.4V, Bridge 37 43 W PO EIAJ EIAJ Output Power (***) VS = 13.7V, Bridge 33 37 W THD Distortion RL = 4Ω Single Ended, PO = 0.1 to 4W Bridge, PO = 0.1 to 10W 0.02 0.03 0.3 % % CT Cross Talk f = 1KHz Single Ended 70 dB f = 10KHz Single Ended 60 dB f = 1KHz Bridge 55 dB f = 10KHz Bridge 60 dB RIN Input Impedance Single Ended 20 30 K Ω Bridge 10 15 K Ω GV Voltage Gain Single Ended 19 20 21 dB Bridge 25 26 27 dB GV Voltage Gain Match 0.5 dB EIN Input Noise Voltage Rg = 0; ”A” weighted, S.E. Non Inverting Channels Inverting Channels 2 5 µV µV Bridge Rg = 0; 22Hz to 22KHz 3.5 µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection Rg = 0; f = 300Hz 50 dB ASB Stand-by Attenuation PO = 1W 80 90 dB ISB ST-BY Current Consumption VST-BY = 0 to 1.5V 100 µA VSB ST-BY In Threshold Voltage 1.5 V VSB ST-BY Out Threshold Voltage 3.5 V Ipin7 ST-BY Pin Current Play Mode Vpin7 = 5V 50 µA Max Driving Curr. Under Fault (*) 5 mA Icd off Clipping Detector Output Average Current d = 1% (**) 90 µA Icd on Clipping Detector Output Average Current d = 5% (**) 160 µA Vsat pin10 Voltage Saturation on pin 10 Sink Current at Pin 10 = 1mA 0.7 V |
Ähnliche Teilenummer - TDA7375A_05 |
Ähnliche Beschreibung - TDA7375A_05 |
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